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Below, you will find a list of state and federal laws related to dyslexia and literacy.  Please use these resources in your education and advocacy work in 

your community.  




Virginia Legislation

1997 Virginia law required literacy screening for K - 3 

2002 Virginia law defined dyslexia 

2013 HB 2068 adds kindergarten and grades one and two to the requirement that local school divisions provide early intervention services to students in grade three who demonstrate deficiencies based on their individual performance on diagnostic reading tests. 

2016 HB842 passed in February for July 1, 2017 implementation for 40-minute teacher training module on dyslexia attached to state licensure

2017 SB1516 passed in February for July 1, 2017 implementation for all districts with a reading specialist to designate one as a dyslexia advisor, acting as an expert for the district

2018 SB368 passed in February for July 1, 2018 implementation for all VA reading specialist higher education programs to include coursework on dyslexia

2019 SB1718 bill to include a RAN to the VA PALS literacy screener converted to a workgroup to study literacy screeners with reporting to the General Assembly on December 1, 2019. 

2020 HB410 bill directs each local school board to enact a policy to require that timely written notification is provided to the parents of results of a literacy screening and planned intervention. Effective date was July 1, 2020.

2020 SB323 permits a student who is pursuing an advanced diploma and whose individualized education program specifies a credit accommodation for world language to substitute two standard units of credit in computer science for two standard units of credit in a world language. Effective date was July 1, 2020.

2020 SB904 directs the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia to facilitate the development of a statewide coalition of public institutions of higher education in the Commonwealth, by December 1, 2020. Results of the initial meeting found here.

2021 HB1865 requires reading intervention services for students in kindergarten through grade three who demonstrate deficiencies based on their individual performance on the SOL reading test or any reading diagnostic test that meets criteria established by the Department of Education to be evidence-based and grounded in the science of reading. Parental notification of intervention must be made in a timely manner.  Effective date was July 1, 2021. 

2022 HB418 Removes Reading Recovery from the list of programs and initiatives for which school boards may use at-risk add-on funds. Effective date was July 1, 2022. 

2022 HB419 Requires each VA education preparation program offered by a public institution of higher education or private institution of higher education that provides training for any student seeking initial licensure by the Board of Education to include a program of coursework and require all such students to demonstrate mastery in science-based reading research and evidence-based literacy instruction. The VDOE will audit each program, at least every seven years, to ensure compliance. Effective date will be the 2024 - 2025 school year . 

2022 HB319  Virginia Literacy Act; early student literacy; evidence-based literacy instruction; science-based reading research. Makes several changes relating to early student literacy, including requiring (i) each education preparation program offered by a public institution of higher education or private institution of higher education or alternative certification program that provides training for any individual seeking initial licensure with an endorsement in a certain area, including as a reading specialist, to demonstrate mastery of science-based reading research and evidence-based literacy instruction, as such terms are defined in the bill; (ii) the literacy assessment required of individuals seeking initial teacher licensure with endorsements in certain areas to include a rigorous test of science-based reading research and evidence-based literacy instruction; (iii) each local school board to establish a divisionwide literacy plan; (iv) each local school board to employ one reading specialist for each 550 students in kindergarten through grade three; and (v) each local school board to provide a program of literacy instruction whereby, among other things, (a) the program provides reading intervention services to students in kindergarten through grade three who demonstrate deficiencies based on their individual performance on the Standards of Learning reading assessment or an early literacy screener provided or approved by the Department of Education; (b) a reading specialist, in collaboration with the teacher of any student who receives such reading intervention services, develops, oversees implementation of, and monitors student progress on a student reading plan; and (c) each student who receives such reading intervention services is assessed utilizing either the early literacy screener provided or approved by the Department or the grade-level reading Standards of Learning assessment again at the end of that school year. The provisions of the bill become effective beginning with the 2024–2025 school year. This bill is identical to 2022 SB616.

Federal Legislation

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 2004 (IDEA)

One of our nation's special education law that provides rights and protections to children with disabilities and to their parents or legal guardians.

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

One of our nation's special education law that provides rights and protections to children with disabilities and to their parents or legal guardians.

 Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)

One of our nation's special education law that provides rights and protections to children with disabilities and to their parents or legal guardians.

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) 2015

One of our nation's special education law that provides rights and protections to children with disabilities and to their parents or legal guardians.

Research Excellence and Advancements for Dyslexia (READ Act) 2016

Directs the National Science Foundation (NSF) to set aside at least $2.5 million in its annual budget for dyslexia research, with a focus on early identification of children and students, professional development for teachers and administrators, and curricula development and evidence-based educational tools.

First Step Act of 2018

Adding dyslexia screening and evidenced based treatment for inmates in the Federal Bureau of Prisons

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