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2022 Legislative Session

Decoding Dyslexia Virginia chooses one day a year, during the current legislative session, to come together in Richmond to visit legislators in their offices to educate them on dyslexia by sharing our stories in order to direct their attention toward students with dyslexia in Virginia. We share resources and ask them to support our dyslexia legislation.


Virtual Advocacy Day

February 1, 2022






5 Tips for Legislative Advocacy








Dyslexia Legislation Support

Contact Your Senate and House Representatives

Call and/or email your delegate and your senator to let them know that dyslexia is important to your family and you would like them 'co-sponsor our bills and vote YEA when the time comes'. Attach a copy of the DDVA Mission Statement and your family's story (if you have it summarized).

Some Committee Meetings Live Streamed During this In-Person Legislative Session
Sign up to speak or share written public comment HERE


House Session:


What you need to know:

We will need to watch the agendas/dockets for those meetings to make sure they will be reviewing and hearing comments on the bills we are supporting.  We are watching for our bills to be announced. This link will track the movement of our House bills and will identify when the next committees will review them.


   House Education Docket Here                           House Committee LiveStream Instructions Here 












Senate Session:


What you need to know:

We will need to watch the agendas/dockets for those meetings to make sure they will be reviewing and hearing comments on the bills we are supporting. We are watching for our bills to be announced. This link tracks the movement of our bills in the Senate and will identify when the next committee will review them.



Click here for Senate Health and Education Docket           Senate Committee LiveStream Links Here




Watch for ACTION ALERTS ON FACEBOOK! Sign up for emailed ACTION ALERTS by subscribing to our website email distribution list at the bottom of the Decoding Dyslexia Virginia HOME PAGE



Contact the Full House and Full Senate 

Call and/or email all of the House Members and all of the Senate Members to let them know that dyslexia is important to your family and you would like them 'co-sponsor our bills and vote YEA when the time comes'.

2022 Literacy Bill Updates








2/11/2022 Update: BOTH BILLS PASSED THEIR HOUSE AND SENATE FLOOR VOTES UNANIMOUSLY!  They are headed to the Governor's desk for his signature. We'll keep you updated on the timing of that signature and if we will need your help to send emails to his office in support of the bill. Please take a moment to thank your legislators (who voted for the bill) in addition to the patrons of the bill. 












3/1/22 Update: Delegate Karrie Delaney's HB418 has PASSED THE HOUSE AND SENATE FLOOR VOTES!It is headed to the Governor's desk for his signature. We'll keep you updated on the timing of that signature and if we will need your help to send emails to his office in support of the bill. Please take a moment to thank your legislators (who voted for the bill) in addition to the patrons of the bill. 











2/21/22 Update: Delegate Karrie Delaney's HB418 has PASSED THE HOUSE AND SENATE FLOOR VOTES!It is headed to the Governor's desk for his signature. We'll keep you updated on the timing of that signature and if we will need your help to send emails to his office in support of the bill. Please take a moment to thank your legislators (who voted for the bill) in addition to the patrons of the bill. 












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